Friday, October 11, 2013

All Is Good

Wednesday was another full day.  I stayed home with the dog but Don went in for 7:45, had that test where they harvest some white blood cells to freeze and compare to the one they will take in 6 months.  That took 2 hours.  Then they took more blood for more tests.  He had his first infusion which takes 1 1/2 hours.  It was 3:00 before he got done.  He will be getting this medication every 3 weeks, 4 times.  In December he will be getting more MRI's and CT scans to see if the cancer is still growing, melanoma grows very fast.  Then in January he will get another medication through a 1 hour infusion every 2 weeks 6 times.  It has been 2 days now and he has not experienced any side effects.  They are having him watch for and report anything out of the ordinary, especially diarrhea, rash & extreme fatigue.

When his little IV bag emptied the nurse squeezed everything out.  When Don asked what she was doing she said "At $28,000 a bag, I want to make sure you get every bit of this."  Another reason  we're glad he's in a clinical trial.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! Chuck starts radiation in January..we are awaiting results of MRI. Bone scan was clear and so was chest x-ray. Fingers crossed.
