Thursday, November 7, 2013

Side Effect

Don was tested yesterday for liver function.  The numbers are worse than they were last Wednesday.  They will test again next Wednesday, hopefully it will go down enough by the 20th so he can get his next infusion.  He has also started having one of the 2 most common side effects, a rash and itching.  It started at his waist but now it's all over.  The doctor told him to take Bedadryl and apply cortisone cream.  The Benadryl wasn't working well to he prescribed something stronger.  The only problem is it makes him very sleepy and he sleeps a lot.  Hopefully this won't last too long. 


  1. Hope his liver straightens out enough for him to continue. We think of you every day. And yes, we had snow on the ground yesterday morning!! Dang!!
