Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Got Doctor Baffled

Like I mentioned in the previous post, the doctor thought that his tiredness, lack of energy and labored breathing was due to the medication effecting his pituitary and/or thyroid glands but the tests came out fine.  Then he thought maybe low testosterone, but that was fine.  They did not give him his infusion today, the doctor didn't want to give him more of the same thing until he knew exactly what was going on plus his liver function numbers were up again.  They did a chest x-ray and that was fine.  I was really relieved about that one since he coughs and is short of breath.  He is now questioning if there is some kind of infection, kidney or liver (hepatitis) going on, so they did a urine & a couple of blood cultures.  We don't have the results of that yet.
Had things gone as expected he would not have to go back to Moffitt until January 7th, but he needs more blood work on Friday then a doctor's visit on Wednesday.  The doctor said he has not seen this reaction in this study so he is going to watch him really close.  So we are just taking it one day at a time,  I want to thank you all for your prayers and good wishes.


  1. We are back in MA, arrived this afternoon. Freezing here!'
    Sorry to hear about Don's condition. We are praying for him and know how tough he is. Keeping positive thoughts. Would like to call tomorrow, if that's OK. Text or e-mail us if it is OK to call.

  2. Well, he's had US baffled for years. Now its doctors turn!! :) Praying for you Don!!!
