Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Our New Temporary Home

This is love bug season, check out the windshield on the coach and the front of the jeep.  They are all over the place.

On Monday we moved into our new home.  It's a nice community, very quiet right now, but I'm sure it will liven up in the next few months.  It's a nice corner lot so we have lots of space, big lawn next to us.  There is also the storage shed with a toilet, sink, shower & place for a washer & dryer.  We won't need to get a washer/dryer since we have one in the coach.
There was a trash bag next to a water faucet on the edge of the lawn to the left.  When Don backed up the trailer, being the good tractor trailer driver that he is, he never touched the faucet but went over the trash bag.  No big deal, right?  Wrong, it was marking an underground valve, water started flowing all over the place.  We had to call the owners in PA who then called a friend here and he had to dig down and shut the thing off (also removed the faucet, already had 2 others on the other side).
We finally did get settled in.
Look at all the space. 
And I have my space and "stuff" in the trailer for my crafting.  Those cupboards are full also.  I can now quilt AND do scrapbooking.  Ready for what could be a long winter.  But at least we'll be warm.


1 comment:

  1. You're a couple of love bugs all cozy in your new home. Lucy, your craft corner is awesome! LY, Kate
