Monday, January 31, 2011

Traders Village

We spent last week at Traders Village in Houston.  There's a huge flea market every Saturday and Sunday.  We had been to one of those in Yuma, Arizona last year and loved it.  They had all those neat things you never find in stores at home.  We were really dissapointed in this one, it was huge but the same stuff over and over, cell phones, socks, bras, jewelry, toys.

In a way, that was a good thing cause on Friday Don lost his footing getting out of the coach and sprained his foot.  I had to get an adult stroller and push him around.  He was REALLY dissapointed it didn't have a motor, so I just went "brrrummm, brrruuuumm, bbrrrum" while I pushed him, he felt alot better about the absence of a motor.

The one thing that was really interesting about the flea market was that they were having a chilli cook off.  They must have had a couple dozen set ups, some were very interesting.

We talked with a few of them, these cook offs is really a sport.  Some of these set ups were really neat.

Unfortunately, the chilli and BBQ'd ribs and chicken was not for sale, it was strictly for judging.

We did spend some time exploring, and we found mostly condos.....


and more condos.  Never seen anything like it.  In all our travels, I've never seen so many condos.

1 comment:

  1. Adult stroller? Did he fall asleep when you made car noises? HA! xoxo...
