Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Here we go again!

Don started on the new clinical trial on Thursday taking his first pills late afternoon and evening.  The fatigue started setting in right away, along with diahrea and got progressively worse.  The anti diahria pills they gave him didn't work too well.  By Sunday he could barely get out of bed for anything.  I called his doctor yesterday morning and he wanted me to take him into Moffitt.  Don had all he could do to walk to the car so he got in the back of the Jeep laying on the dog's bed (a real big one) with his pillow, a bucket and a towel.  By this time he had started vomiting.  Even though he had tried to keep fluids in him, they were coming out faster than they could go in so he was very dehydrated.  Not only have his liver function numbers crept up so have his kidney function numbers.  The doctor figured it must be from the trial drug, the XL888 I mentioned in my prior post because these side effects have never been reported on the other drug.  But then, Don has reacted differently to everything they have put in his body.  Again, he has the doctors stumped. 

They have kept him overnight and will or have given him a shot of steroids.  I don't know if he will be on prednisone again, he was hoping not since his face and belly were almost back to normal.  I will be leaving shortly to go up there.  Again, thank God we are doing this here and not in Boston, we would have had to move there.

Many of you have asked how I'm doing.  I'm sure you all know it can be an emotional roller coaster ride.  I pray mostly for God to give me the strength to accept whatever he has in store for me.  I have been able stay strong, but every once in a while I have a very sad day.  I find if I just allow myself to feel that sadness rather than stuffing it, it subsides fairly quickly and my strength comes back.  This is one of those days, I guess you could call it discouraged.  By tonight I'll be fine.

Thank you all again for your prayers and good energy..

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