Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Still Growing

We met with Dr. Weber today and got the results from Friday's tests.  The MRI was fine, so it still has not metastasized to the brain.  The growths on the lungs have stayed the same & gotten slightly smaller, but they were pretty small anyway.  However, the ones on the liver that had shrunk about 15% have grown bigger than they were before.  One is 8.4 cm, another is 7.0 cm and a third is 4.0 cm.  In inches, that is 3.3, 2.75 and 1.5.  There is another drug he wants to start him on that will be ready Thursday.  If he gets any side effect at all, the doctor said to stop taking it and call him.  If that happens, he will have to inject chemo right into his liver.  He sees the doctor again in 2 weeks.  We hope this one works, what else can I say, other than we are doing fine.


  1. Oh, Don & Lucy, what a rolling road you're both on. We think of you both so often, very affectionately. We weren't with you all that long in TX, while Don was teaching us both to drive our Bluebird, but I felt as if we'd known you for ages. Your in out thoughts - and my prayers - always.
    Cheryl & Phil Roberts

  2. Thanks for the update, we will be checking back for more later. Chuck and I sending our love. Hugs.
