Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Very Slow Progress

We tried to leave a few times, but Don got so tired in so little time, we had to stay.  For example, one of the first things he does is check the pressure in all the tires, after doing that he had to sit and rest.  After having to rest after every little chore he realized it would not be safe for him to be on the road with such a large vehicle.  On Monday, the 12th, he called the doctor's office.  They had him go in for a blood test, all his levels were good except the adrenal glands.  That should be between 20-60 and it was 4 even though his cortisol levels were OK.  His other problem is appetite, he has none having to force himself to eat.  Quite a change from a month ago when he was eating everything in sight because he was on prednisone.

We have been seeing an improvement in the last 4-5 days.  He is not so exhausted and his appetite is better.  Instead of taking 3 naps for 2-3 hours each every day, he's been taking one 1-2 hour nap.  Friday is his day for CT scans and Tuesday he sees the doctor.

Bruno and I are doing fine.

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