Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bruno's Surprise

After we left the rally on the Hudson River we drove quite a while, then Daddy stopped at a rest stop, he said he had a surprise.  We waited, and I watched......

Then a motor home drove in alot like ours, oh my, it was Uncle Paul and Auntie Joyce and their new puppy Casey.  The last time I saw her she was only 12 weeks old and we had so much fun, now she's 4 months old.  WOW, has she grown, but we remembered each other.

We played........

...and played...til we were both tuckered out.

We went to a campground on Lake Erie, mighty big lake.  I really like the water but I was a little scared of the waves coming in. 

But I knew my Daddy wouldn't let me get hurt so I went in, and really liked it.

I got really wet and when I got out, I rolled all over the sand, Mama was laughing so hard, so couldn't take a picture.  Daddy made me go back in so he could wash me.

Then he kept my leash very short until we got off the beach.
I've learned two things on this trip.  Everytime Daddy stops the motor home and Mama opens the door, there's a new adventure out there.  The second thing I learned is that the better I listen when they say "come" or "go home", the more they let me be untied when we're all together.  That is really cool!

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