Tuesday, July 6, 2010


We've been without cell or internet service for 4 days, so I have some catching up to do.  July 4 we took the pontoon boat up the Hudson River to the Champlain Canal to see the fireworks.  Here we are in the lock waiting for the water to go down.

As you can see, it's gone down quite a bit.

While we were waiting, our hostess took a bucket, leaned over and filled it with water, than put some dish soap in it.  I couldn't figure out what she was doing.  She took out this contraption with 2 sticks and strings and made  these huge bubbles.

There she is, but you can't see the strings.  The lock opened and away we went.

I had a link for information on the Erie Canal yesterday, here's one for the Champlain Canal.

This was just before one of the locks to the Erie Canal.

The fireworks were absolutely beautiful over the water.

I've never seen such a display.

This was ones of those low ones, right off the barge.

On the way back home, there were 6 boats in the lock.

Then we all sat around the campfire.


  1. @fireworks...ooohhh aaahhhh pretty!

  2. Sounds like you're having fun! Appears your new camera is working well!
