Friday, June 20, 2014

Doctor Skuabble.

Don's physical abilities got worse today, but his confusion got better.  The neurologist (Dr. Campbell) insists it was a stroke and the oncologist (Dr. Weber) wants to be sure since he has seen this before with melanoma.  Let's face it, a second opinion is always good.  The neurologist does not want to call the oncologist, says "I don't chase doctors, they need to call me."  So Dr. Weber tried to call him and he was told that Dr. Campbell said he could talk to the doctor on duty, which he did, but he still wanted to talk to the neurologist personally.  He called and left messages, paged him, nothing.  This is not a common cold we're talking about.  So I spoke to the unit director, gave her Dr. Weber's cell phone number and asked her why Dr. Campbell was not returning the call.  She said he would after he was done his rounds at 5:00. it was 4:55.  So she brought the number to the nurse practitioner.  Derek & I were on our way out.  At 5:06 I get a call from Don's phone.  It was Dr. Campbell asking me what was up with Dr. Weber, he's been harassing him, paging him while he was seeing patients, it had to stop.  After about 3 minutes of ranting & raving I told him there was no reason why he should be going up one side of me and up the other for this, I didn't do it.  He said he wasn't, that it was about setting boundaries and he needed to set the record straight.  He must have gone through the same statements 3 times.  I broke down and cried and asked him why he was doing this do a family member who was under lots of stress already, he said it was about setting boundaries.  I asked him twice to PLEASE call Dr. Weber, he said he would after he was done his rounds.  I wish I would have thought of it, I would have told him instead of wasting 7 minutes harping on it with me, he could have called Dr. Weber.  At 6:00 I got a personal call from Dr. Weber asking me to go to the radiology dept. and get a copy of Don's MRI and CT Scan on CD and bring it to Moffitt on Monday morning.  I called the hospital and they said I can't get it until he gets discharged.  "Oh, but maybe if you ask the nurse, she can get it".  You know I'm going to the top with this.  There was absolutely no need of this.  Unfortunately tomorrow is Saturday so I may not be able to get anything done.  But I'm not dropping it.   Thanks for letting me vent.

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