Friday, July 16, 2010

A Day in Winconsin

When driving down Route 2 on the Michigan Upper Peninsula, you cross over to Winconsin for 10 miles than back into Michigan for another 110 miles til you get back into Winconsin.  I mentioned that there were alot of Indian reservations in the northern part of the states, that started in New York.  There are also alot of things named with a French name, I know we've been not that far from the Canadian border, but I didn't realize the French went this far west.

I found an interesting glass studio in the Winconsin travel book.  The directions took us way in the country, on a dirt road.  We were afraid it might be somewhere where we would have to unhook our car to be able to turn around,  Luckily, the road went back to the highway.  Here is some of the glass we saw, absolutely beautiful.  The husband blows glass, the wife does stained glass and the daughter does glass jewelry.  I purchased a pendant.

This is another example.

They have been continuously building a house since the 70's  A very unique house and studio.

This is one of the windows the wife made, they are all over the store.

Further down the road was a wood carving studio, the kind they do with a chain saw.  Take a look at this bear.

This is another carving.  Similar to what we saw in Beloxi, Mississippi last winter.
There was also a potery studio but we didn't dare go down that road, its a little more difficult when you're driving a 40 foot motorhome towing a car, so we called it a day and stayed at another casino.

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